Widely recognized as a leading text in its field, this popular guide explores literacy development beginning in infancy and through fourth grade. The latest edition continues to prepare teachers to…
This book provides practising teachers, reading specialists, and speech-language pathologists with an integrated approach to language and literacy development in early childhood. It explores how ch…
Chris de Feyter's 3rd edition of 800+ Measurable IEP Goals and Objectives for use in K - 12 Classrooms includes a collection of 1000 SMART Goals that can be used to address diverse student learning…
Literacy Development in the Early Years: Helping Children Read and Write explores both the science and art of teaching literacy from birth through Grade 3. It presents a wealth of theory, research,…
Buku ini berisikan gambaran mengenai pengertian anak hak-hak dan perlindungan anak baik dalam hukum pidana dan hukum perdata; bentuk-bentuk kekerasan terhadap anak; anak yang dipekerjakan; pernikah…
Perlindungan terhadap anak harus diberikan sedini mungkin, agar anak dapat memikul tanggungjawabnya kelak sebagai generasi penerus bangsa. Perlindungan terhadap anak tidak hanya dilakukan oleh par…
In Executive Functioning Superpowers, you will discover: - The vital skills children and teenagers need to succeed in their daily lives and how to recognize any skills deficit - How to give instr…
In this third edition of his best-selling resource, William Bender presents a new view of differentiated instruction as seen through a Common Core lens drawing on the latest brain research, technol…
Pelaksanaan program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) yang diluncurkan pada tahun 2020 telah diikuti ratusan ribu mahasiswa dan puluhan ribu mitra perusahaan, perguruan tinggi, sekolah, praktis…